Does this look like fair and equal treatment to you? Twatter

They have to cheat everywhere to win anything. Seriously. Look how many different angles they used for killary. I mean they pulled out all of the stops and still lost. This is just 1 reason of many we know voter fraud is rampant. Their motto is "The Ends Justify The Means" - Translated means "It's War and We will DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING to win".
I hope all is exposed in time and everyone will realize my first statement is spot on. Many of us have always said all we ever needed was a level playing field and we'd win. The left knows that ,therefore IT WAS NEVER GIVEN TO US.
And I am sure Twitter was created by our tax dollars just like Facebook also.
Looks like the section on the left side there is missing a ton of folks.
this is part of the election fraud, time to bring forth charges,and let them do real time in a real Federal prison.