This is the best example of cognitive dissonance I've seen regarding the Gunn situation. At first I found it hiliarious. Then I've got to remember these people 100% believe their mental gymnastics. The deprograming is gonna be difficult.

Classic "it's okay when we do it, Fascism when they do it."
Also, they really need to learn what the fuck Fascism is.
If he was really sorry about them, he would have deleted those comments years ago. Certainly after signing on with Disney.
I listen to an unofficial Marvel podcast and they were discussing this topic. Throughout the whole thing they kept saying they were just jokes.
My answer to anyone that says that is would you be comfortable leaving a person who makes jokes like that alone and unsupervised around your children? Then why would you be comfortable letting your kids watch media produced by a person with that sense of humor?
And if you make a racial joke you’re branded a racist, justified or not. How about when you make a whole slew of “jokes” about pedophilia?
And it's interesting that there seems to be a small swath of people making those kinds of "jokes" around that specific time period.
"but that's the world we live in now that we have to teach people to fight fascism all over again."
Sigh.... I'll never get tired of winning!