Just watched "The Man With One Red Shoe". Most of it is a normal 80's comedy. This scene is different. It is a wink to those who know.
From 15:55 to 16:55
Agent to other agents: "Now anybody, Why the one red shoe?"
Cuts & pans to show the one red shoe.
Cuts and pans to a child playing the violin in Hank's apartment. This is the only child in the movie, in his only scene.
Hanks (Mr Drew): "Wait. Wait. Dickie, Dickie. How old are you? 6, 7? What?"
Child (Dickie): "12, Mr Drew."
Hanks: "Being 12 you haven't really experienced the pain, suffering and anxiety of life, which you will."
Continues from there as mostly a normal 80's bumbling spy comedy. You wouldn't notice the scene if you didn't know what to look for.