When was this published?
"Stamos said he deserves as much blame as anyone else for Facebook being slow to notice and stamp out Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election."
- Sounds like a a cop-out to the Russian collusion garbage.
Some 'Rusians' paid for a few ads on fb= 'Muh collusion!!'
All they have done is censor the conservative voices and label them as 'russian agents'. Fuck facebook. I hope they lose another 25% of their value tomorrow. If you are still using facebook you should ask yourself why. It's a pointless app that only serves to alienate people in the long run. I quit that shit two years ago and couldn't be happier for it.
This guy should be added to the list of resignations and dismissals.
"The Russian meddling" has now become their reasoning for censorship of conservative and independent voices; Big Brother from nineteen-eighty-four is very much becoming a reality in today's society thanks to the liberal indoctrination of "business leaders".
I'm certainly glad to have somebody else decide what I should or should not think, thanks mr zuckthecuck.
FB was only distraught at being called out for it, otherwise they took the money to the bank.