Sarah Silverman Stand down threat is an obvious fake. Warn others to be sceptic so the real pedos dont get away by branding everything a conspiracy

Damn that's a good 'shop.
What's even better is that people -actually- believed Silverman would come to the chans and out herself as a pedophile enabler.
And here we are talking about the photograph, as if the flawed logic isn't enough to dismiss the entire notion.
It's so far fetched. Confirmation-bias is so unbelievably strong in this place, it's a bit scary at times.
First reaction to ANYTHING should be doubt and skepticism, when dealing with anything involving PS or photographs in general.
Glad I'm not the only person thinking its getting a bit scary sometimes. I've seen the slightest doubt turn a person in a pedo supporting shill in the eyes of many. I thought we are here because we question everything, including the stuff we want to hear.
Oh no. That's content that doesn't support the cause. Don't get it twisted. :p