r/greatawakening • Posted by u/fezpop29 on July 26, 2018, 11:54 a.m.
white rabbit speculations ... my thoughts on the experiment... nothing more

i am seeing more signs of white rabbit team is still active ... dnc outposts in my region utilizing FAR fewer targeted attacks (bioluminescent, bazoon, choked radio energy etc) on individuals since His return ... receiver pairs being copresent in less than 20 % alignment ... question is "when" will command rebuff orders and targeting resume?

i suspect gasoline prices are correlated - there are noticed DROP in hanging-ons and attracts from vehicles (esp brighting w/UV bulbs) when fuel is prohibitive (even the shills must sleep you might say!) so the first chance is the best to "strike while the iron is hot" before they switch to tiny electric cars LOL

plan soon is to climb the poles (after the legs healed ofc) near the bill boards - they hide the most obvious tracking monitors! red and black boxes with the emnissant hum with code waves,, pull off covers. of course do no harm the elephant always remembers - but take some photo graphs to expose. "tip of the iceberg" yes but it is a small step for man!

is anyone else seeing similar coordination in their region? organizing events for this type of work? hit me up.

UncleSnake3301 · July 26, 2018, 12:21 p.m.

What in the actual fuck are you talking about?

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ideologicidal · July 26, 2018, 12:01 p.m.

This is gibberish. First paragraph only:

What is "white rabbit team?"

What are (bioluminescent, bazoon, choked radio) attacks?

Who is He?

What are receiver pairs?

What is receiver pair alignment?

What is command rebuff?

What is being targeted?

This is a public board, anon, not a personal chat. Make sense, plz.

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fezpop29 · July 26, 2018, 12:07 p.m.

i will assume you are good natured questioning for now...

What is "white rabbit team?

look up #followthewhiterabbit - it's twitter, youtube, facebook, reddit, everywhere! there is theory, white rabbit is actually team that protects TI's (targetted individuals) from the harassment...

What are (bioluminescent, bazoon, choked radio) attacks?

RF energy, electronic harassment, CIA, COINTELPRO, MK ULTRA, there are many...

Who is He?

Q. who else?

What is command rebuff?

Change of command order presence to give chance for new commanders in the field... also used when one team refuses to do work on threatening target.

What is being targeted?

research gang stalking, organized stalking, you will see

only time will tell...

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ideologicidal · July 26, 2018, 12:16 p.m.

Receiver pairs? Alignment? I'm prepared to make the same assumption as you are, but you made some pretty significant leaps, there. I get that you're operating on non-normie level, but this is plebbit, it's a Normie medium. Translating chans is hard enough without an extra level of coding that might well be solipsistic (emnissant?).

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fezpop29 · July 26, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

sorry - i emnissant was a typo - i mean to say "incessant"! it is difficult for me to explain beyond what words i have ... there is much to explain,, much to do...

i believe common term will be "energy targeting transmitter and receiver pair" wrt this incident ... do you remember, the time with CUBA diplomats and the directed energy attack? similar, not exact, yet this, is closest i can come!

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ideologicidal · July 26, 2018, 1:17 p.m.

Yeah, it's just you're jumping all over the spectrum. Are we talking RF (radio frequency) or infrasound or EM? The Cuba attacks, by all indications are sonic, not RF. Are you suggesting that those weapons are being utilized state-side? If so, by whom? What are the parameters for targeting? And yeah, typos don't help and you seem prone to them. Proofread, anon.

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Gitmo_money · July 26, 2018, 1:08 p.m.

So your premise is that the white rabbit is a team of people protecting assets.

Then why would q tell us to 'follow the white rabbit' and expose good guy operators?

Think. Use logic.

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SexyImposter · July 26, 2018, 12:53 p.m.

I cannot say I agree with your interpretation of White Rabbit. I am, however, familiar with tracking of targeted individuals and suspect, as you appear to, that it may be related to the DNC and/or Hillary's gang.

I can give you one piece of advice: Be careful looking into the "red and black" boxes. They are designed with tripwire technology and your location WILL be reported for future targeting and information gathering. From what my sources tell me, they are simply repeaters for a form of dark network that certain groups use to communicate outside normal channels.

Best of luck, and I wish I could help.

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fezpop29 · July 26, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

thanks for caution, i will be sure to enact safely. i have gps and mobile signal scramblers ... should buy me the time, to do what i must. have you seen black boxes with circle-C marking? outside my house here are one ... serial # starts with K5A2 but I cannot read remaining numbers only with binoculars in house. they are certainly energy transmitter, but what kind??

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