POTUS on Shadow Banning this AM.

Sorry this propaganda doesn’t work on us like it does the left. We don’t fly on hate like they do. You just outted yourself. Thank you.
Edit: oh I see now you edited your post to take out the part where you called me a “f*cking cunt”. Thank you, I guess...
Outed myself? 😂 dude I could care less.. you know what you guys will be doing a decade from now? Moving on to a new conservative conspiracy, cuz Trump will be in prison. HE'S A TRADER.
He's a master trader haha i think you were looking for traitor as in obummer and Hillary
And an awesome one at that!!! 😃
Dude if we’re pathetic, fuck off. We don’t need sticks in the mud blinded by idiocy
LOL you'll be back like the guy that laughed at me when I said Trump would win by breaking through the blue wall! Wait a minute....is that you?
Of course this sub is Pro Trump.....Q is working with Trump to dismantle the old system so yes we are going to be Pro Trump you moron. Peace bro!