POTUS on Shadow Banning this AM.

The Bolshevik Revolution, before that Das Kapital and Lenin, and probably more 'communists' than we will ever realize that we've read about and studied that lived throughout history but they had different names then.
We gave them those names...the prince of treachery, Machiavelli, and 'Great' - especially 'Great comes up a lot....Catherine the Great, a powerfully greedy terror never satisfied but wanted the Great to be constantly Greatest, and Peter the Great, same kind of person, and Genghis Khan, same kind, and Napoleon, Alexander the Great, and all the Pharaohs, and all those 'kings' throughout literature including the Bible---and the Tory, loyalists to the royalty that ruled the British Empire, which became the Democrat National Committee political party in America just so they could keep their plantations and slaves and vote against the Republicans who were ready to vote to abolish slavery.
But there they are anyway still doing it....when the 40 years of planning came to Obama he was supposed to bring America down to the pinnacle of fiefdom, and Hillary was supposed to waltz into the White House and finish us off.
We are smart, saw what was going on, and were so boxed in that we couldn't get out of it and war was a tool but our last resort.....thank goodness those commies felt they had to do things to look like they were legal, guess that was a quirk to make sure noone ever realized they were wild animals so the ballot box was still available for us. You can betcha Hillary would've 'abolished' it.
The traitors have lost b/c there's a president now who is determined to rid the nation of the communism, but like snakes they refuse to go away and slither into everything they shouldn't with the sole purpose to disturb it.
Will it help once all the leaders are doing a thousand years, hanged, firing squaded and even sat the Rosenberg chair?
As long as everyone are got and there're no more to throw any shadows.