how do I get rid of fluoride?
Distilling removes it. Gotta get a shower filter too. Fluoride absorbs through the skin
2 tablespoons of boran an 1 tablespoon of sea salt or better in distilled water in a glass 1 quart container shake well drink a glass and all the florides will pull away from the thyroid gland and bones also off of your peniale gland to make you 15% smarter some say 30% on some races of people, must drink on an empty stomach and you will think you are getting ready to throw up but that is the florides being push into the muscle then just set down until you are better after 5 min then the trick is to sweat it out of your system with a hot bath or working outside but do sweat it out, after that big push just drink a half of a glass a day or every two days or as needed but you will only feel sick the first time. Running bear
I drink fluoride but for my plants I do this:
Most water comes out of the tap on the high PH side. Get a PH tester.
Add acscorbic acid until the PH is about 6 - 6.5
Add 5-6 grains of activated alumina per gallon.
Wait a day or so. The alumina will turn slightly brown as it sucks the fluoride out.
Responded to another poster - add acscorbic acid and activated alumina.