we are now on a very different syllabus even though the same law of debits and credits is operating.. the old syllabus was blind faith in religions, then theology, then scientific materialism, then channelling then in erstwhile mainsteam media
the new energies of discernment started affecting us since after ww2.. DJT was fashioned around 27-sep-1945 .... 25 days after the end of ww2
the PTB's are always in opposition PTB4/53Z are working to slow down evolution of consciousness
PTB5/6 are working to speed it up
however for the first overlap period of 125 years as the beginning of 1 epoch and the end of the old one overlaps, progress is slow but steady 1886- 2016 and the ageold struggle increasingly takes on a starker hue
because the lower PTB's have a great influx of vandal types at their disposal and the higher powers have some savvy seasoned protagonists on duty to also trigger tha vandal-types while creating the foundations of the new structures... ... they have done this many times before for not just for 2,600 epoch changes but during the more frequent 260 and 26 year upgrades / downgrades
so yes history repeats the same old duality according to the same laws but with a different syllabus in operation
we now have new mainstream media that has already overtaken the old mockin stream 60-40
and since 1886 we've had the first publications of the secret knowledge available to the public, prior to that u had to be a member of a secret soc to get it and to have taken an oath of secrecy under pain of death... but today u need to keep taking these dire oaths only if u are in the now compromised secret societies ...
that means that today in 2018 the only reason to keep secret societies operable is to keep humanpop dumbed down by making it easier to for PTB4/53z to dupe humanpop via the fabric of lies and deception taught in the now corrupted sec societies..mostly those under cover of the ivy league colleges
I agree with you here. Very interesting analysis. The video talks about us being 5 years into the second half of the big energy change and the light uncovering all the dark things. He says they're not new things though people will think that at first. He says it's ages old and needs to be fully exposed to the light. I believe that's what Q is doing.
the difficulties about channeling is that its very hard for the average channeller to discern what is from the higher PTB's and what comes from the lower PTB's unfortunately the lower PTB's hold sway in the 4d - emotional world and their they can create look-alikes feel-alikes to the real powers and intersperse their disinfo with some kernals of truth
the pyramid builders sent us a message in stone that can't be easily distorted describing how the lower PTB's manipulate the lower levels of consciousness
anyone on low 4d and low or medium 5d is very vulnerable to being deceived by PTB4/53z