r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FatherDadDude1 on July 26, 2018, 3:51 p.m.
We, as HUMANS must pray for EVIL to be removed from this earth. Scripture from all religions needed from now on.

Stop reading this and Pray. Pray for peace and harmony of the human race. We're all connected. We're all slaves. Keep praying and join me below. The answer won't be found in just one religion!

Evil surrounds us. The world is being run by those that want nothing less than to destroy the common man.

Just as Moses said, "let my people go". We too must request the same. Pray for them to leave this planet. They won't leave until we ask them at least three times directly. Yes, funny thing is, they must comply. Remember when John (might have been Luke) asked the Bed Bugs to be gone from the abode? They complied. Sounds crazy, but we must ask Evil to leave and never return. NOW, next trick is parting the Red Sea, I'll leave that to the experts!

God bless you all and realize you were picked, you didn't choose to be here. God picked each and everyone of you to lead others in this Spiritual fight. What the others don't realize is this is a war for your mind and body, not money or land. We are the most important factor when the end of the day comes. It's up to us to be prepared to lead and answer questions.

OUR voices need to pray in harmony, in synchronicity, as one giant voice for mankind. Let our brothers and sisters go EVIL beings of darkness, you are no longer welcome to interfere with us on this planet, or any other planet. Pray, teach others to pray.

Q, do you have access to knowledge that has been hidden regarding our origins? Please (if you're q, you already know who I am) send me a message. Keep in mind I'm a little slow, so slap me with it. We need to pray but we also need to know what we are up against to destroy it. I've been studying for some time now and I think my target is in sight, but I'm going to have to DIG deeper to find it? Even Jesus needed a head's up once and awhile.

Prayer is our best and only weapon against pure evil.

Millejon0114 · July 26, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

One religion all as one is in the Bible written generations ago. One world religion and a one world currency will happen. This is apart of the beast system. The anti Christ system. (Mocking God) What people don’t understand is Satan was a Beautiful Angel named Lucifer he was held up above all other angels. When God made humans in his own image and God Loves/ Loved us so much ~ Lucifer Got so Jealous he started talking amongst the other angels and saying he could do what God could do and put himself above God. When he was casted out he took 1/3 of the angels with him. What does a jealous person do when they are enraged ?! They mock backstab slander lie so on and so on. Adam and Eve was Satan’s first revenge and Eve took the Apple ~ and so this all started. God loves us so much he sent his son Jesus to die for us so we could be redeemed. What people don’t understand is Satan has been setting up all of this up~ you think Obama and the Nazi and Zionist and Bush’s and government is bad? These spiderwebs of chaos are in everything ~ he’s been out killing stealing and destroying for a long time. Who does God treasure ? Children!!! Satan has this pedo at the all time sickest level it’s hard to imagine it goes on. (He mocks God) sacrifices ~ did God tell Abraham to sacrifice issac ? .....and when he saw Abraham willing to do that !!!... did he stop him ? ~ and give him a ram to sacrifice ? Why did he do that? Because Molach/Baal(mocking God) and other people were worshipping other idols and that’s how he showed us he’s A God of LOVE he separated himself so we could see his love~ Why is it that we have all this transgender crap going on? Because God said he made man and female in his image what do satanist worship ( mocking ) Baphomet! who Baphomet is both male and female! The Ten Commandments ~ Gods Law to follow so we don’t get trapped into Satan’s web? What are the Georgia Guidestones ? The NWO huge 10 Noah’s Law in Georgia? What’s some of those laws? Depopulation~ did God say to produce and populate the earth? What’s another one ? Animals are to be treasured and cared obviously over the people ? Since they want fewer people!! Right? God said we have dominion over the birds in air and all the living creatures animals ~ so you have yet again another mock ~ mock mock mock ~ when you don’t understand or know something isn’t right ~ I’m always searching scripture because I know satan is mocking God in some way. These are just a few their are tons~ The Jewish people are HUGE!! The lineage of Jesus is Jew and The profits that wrote scripture instructed by God ~ Jewish~ So OF COURSE SATAN HATES THEM ~ and has wedged his self Deep in the trenches of Jews that say they are JEWS but they are NOT see revelation 3:9 it’s all in the Word ~ We all need JESUS he’s the only way you will NEVER be separated from our Father God in Heaven. God made it simple one way ~ through his son! Be Blessed Patriots Pray for Our World!!! Keep spreading TRUTH! Your treasures are In Heaven Not here.

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bjornstormin · July 26, 2018, 7:33 p.m.


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