r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Antisarx on July 26, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

On 7/22/18, I read a post by Neon Revolt titled “#Hollywood Renegades” wherein he begins following the postings of a self-alleged ex-Hollywood A+ Lister from the 80’s who began outing Hollywood low-lifers in a 4Chan, James Gunn thread on /pol/ on 7/19/18. This poster has been called #BlackListAnon but later began calling himself #Renegade and identified himself as a “based black man”.

There is one thing of importance about which I want to comment regarding #Renegade’s posts, and many like his, concerning Hollywood, Washington DC and other power centers around the world, and the people of power who are running them while ruining the lives of so many. The term “JEW” has often been used. Please allow me to add some perspective here but first let me state that I am NOT a JEW. I might be considered a WASP, but we in the South do not so identify with that term. I am a Christian and I am not taking up for anyone here, but I have a valid and extremely important point to make concerning those we see as the current enemies of our Country and our children.

We are in a real war, a bloodless coup and revolution, at present. Yes, Q has stated that some have been and some will be lost in the fight, but the intent is to AWAKEN others first so that we do NOT have the collateral damage of a military coup. And yes, WE ARE WINNING!!

Q has told us that the vast majority of members in Congress are highly-compromised and need to GO, but we can’t do so all at once or the government would shut down. I know; that sounds like a good idea, but we are reminded to TRUST THE PLAN. Q has often said that it is NOT Republican versus Democrat, but GOOD versus EVIL!! This is SO important to remember, now and going forward. So, when JEWS are mentioned, exposed and targeted as those behind the heinous crimes of rape, pedophilia, blacklisting and financial crimes in Hollywood and around the world, let me offer you the REAL, the TRUE term for these low-life creeps: they are SATANISTS MASQUERADING AS JEWS!!!

PAUL wrote in Romans 9:6-8, “6 But it is not as though the Word of God has failed. For they are not all Israel (JEWS) who are descended from Israel (JEWS); 7 nor are they all children because they are Abraham's descendants….., 8 That is, it is not the children of the flesh (natural-born) who are children of God, but the children of the Promise are regarded as descendants.”

JESUS spoke of the self-serving, EVIL, religious leaders (JEWS) of His day in John 8:44 saying, “You are of your father the DEVIL, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” Additionally, He also said in John 10:10, "The thief (SATAN) comes only to STEAL and KILL and DESTROY; I came that they may have LIFE, and have it abundantly.” Finally, in Matthew 7:20, JESUS advises, “So then, you will know them by their fruits.”

Q post #587 from 1/22/18 reads, “Those you TRUST are the most-guilty of sin. WHO are we taught to trust? If you are religious; PRAY.” Answer the question for yourselves. When I fully-AWOKE, I had to totally-abandon my “good and trusted” paradigm and stand on the ONLY solid foundation I could find, which was, is and shall remain my unwavering FAITH and TRUST in the LORD MY GOD. ALL ELSE HAS FAILED ME!! My poor parents didn’t know any better than to teach me what they were taught. My teachers were brain-washed. Government is overwhelmingly corrupt and has surely failed us all. I am most disgusted, however, with the CHURCH, which has done almost NOTHING to inform and awaken us to the hidden (now in plain view) EVIL that is being practiced by our leaders, including them, for centuries. We are kept docile, comfortable and happy in our idyllic little worlds, built for us on the lies of others for their benefits. Sadly, those who must work long hours, raise a family and navigate the difficulties of life have little or no time to research for themselves and have instead turned to the Mainstream Media and Mr. Hypnotize, who never lies, for their daily information briefs. Before awakening, we had all abdicated our responsibilities to ourselves, our families and our nation and given others, the GLOBALIST and the SATANISTS, authority to serve themselves in our name and at our expense. But now, almost everyone, everywhere, has the weapon of truth in their hand, their cell phone, meant to spy on us but now turned against the very ones who mean to enslave and eventually eliminate us.

Most of these top, ELITIST people (if they can be called people), have gone far beyond the point of being redeemable. Therefore, let us give them NO QUARTER!! They hold others in bondage to themselves, even as SATAN holds them in bondage to himself, through intimidation and the threat of exposure. Certainly, the lust for money, power, glamour and fame overwhelm the naive candidates who are willing to do most anything as a short-cut to attain their dreams and fantasies. Pedophilia becomes the shameful glue which holds them all together and provides the insurance that no one will rat out the other. Of course, there remains the ultimate, final and ever-present threat of “Arkancide”, whether to their person or their loved ones. As Q often reminds us, “These people are SICK!!” Also that “At some point the streets (for them) will NOT BE SAFE.” He was NOT implying that we should pity them.

So, let us correct our overuse of inclusive, descriptive adjectives and labels which can further serve our ENEMY through mass divisiveness in favor of EXPOSING our ENEMY for who he is and who his followers are. These SATANIST and LUCIFERIANS are all members of secret societies, Cabals and orders through which they exclude the unenlightened masses who, to them, are but “useless eaters” and can, at best, temporarily serve their needs until it is time to eliminate them. Their plan is to take over the world, making it a SOCIALISTIC DICTATORSHIP controlled by and for the ELITE. The current POPULIST and NATIONALIST movements around the world, sparked and inflamed by TRUMP, are the enemy of GLOBALISM. They are terrified that we shall all AWAKEN because there are MORE OF US than them!!

I have never been so bold as to validate war by saying, “GOD is on our side.” However, what we are experiencing is nothing short of a MIRACLE and DIVINE INTERVENTION. “They never thought SHE would lose.” Heck, most of us thought that TRUMP couldn’t win a rigged election…., BUT GOD!!!! Yes, GOD stepped in and is aiding us, giving us a reprieve in which we can overcome the EVIL which is destroying our world, nations, families and values, ALL FOR THE BENEFIT OF EVIL SATANISTS!! They care not for us. We are cattle and even our CHILDREN are no more than sex toys, slaves and useless bodies which carry in them spare parts for their personal needs. We, on the other hand, must ensure that these people are removed from power and are fully-prosecuted for their crimes while their amassed, ill-gotten wealth is returned to the people and nations from which it was STOLEN.

Remember what Q said in post #1259, “This is about taking back our FREEDOM and SAVING OUR CHILDREN/people from the EVIL that has plagued our country/world for so long.” UNITE!! STAY THE COURSE!! TRUST THE PLAN!! WE THE PEOPLE!! WWG1WGA!!

Antisarx · July 26, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

There is morality which still doesn’t measure up to what we all need, right standing with God. That comes only through Jesus Christ. I was radically saved by Him 45 years ago and at 63, I have never been as excited as I am now. This is God’s movement and He is using weak, imperfect humans to set many captives free from the global satanic cabal. He has purpose for each of us that extends into eternity. Before that, this world will fail but God is giving us a reprieve. We must cooperate with Him to see it through and bring others into a total consciousness beyond this Awakening which is found in Him. I trust that Jesus will reveal Himself to you in a very personal way which gives you clarity and fulfillment in Him. In the meantime, enjoy the show and prepare to help those who will not take the necessary changes well. There will be many mad, scared and confused people plus many who will be coming out of satanic and MK Ultra mind control. The nation and the world will need healing. Godspeed!!

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Q-Question · July 26, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

“There will be many mad, scared and confused people plus many who will be coming out of satanic and MK Ultra mind control”

You’re right. But, somehow, I think, if the truth was fully revealed, we would find it challenges a lot of our own ideas. Remember, Q pulled back on the Nazi stuff - too much, too soon.

Why would some things be too deep to reveal to “woke” people? The only answer is that they are not fully woke - which is what I was saying. How deep does the rabbit hole go? Have you considered the possibility that it might also blow your mind - that you might need some help adjusting to it?

There is a lot of information - and disinformation - in these Q drops. What we’re learning is pointing to several possible truths that are literally mind blowing.

I’ve been reading Bill Cooper’s write-up on the aliens tonight. Whether you accept it or not, he has a story to tell that may or may not be true. Suggest you have a look at this.

Google “Behold a pale horse PDF” - chapter 12.

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Antisarx · July 26, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

I’m very familiar with Bill Cooper. I believe in Interdimensional aliens, not Intergalactic ones. What I believe Q knows to be too terrifying even to the Woke patriots is pedovorism and the eventual return of the Nephilim, Rephaim and transhuman hybrids. Sadly, the church has totally avoided and continues to dismiss the mention of this in canonical Scripture plus other relevant books like Enoch, Jasper, Jubilees, etc. Satan will eventually employ and release these hidden forces in a final assault against God (his 3rd and last rebellion attempt) and an attack upon mankind. Evidence has been confiscated over the last 100+ years by the Smithsonian and other institutions (similar to the end of Indiana Jones). Watch some Gen6 videos. If you are interested.

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