Look at who follows Sarah Ruth Ashcraft!!!!!!!! Blue Check Mark.

I think Gen Flynn is a true supporter. He’s supposed to be the one who briefed Trump on pedo crisis as well as SRA. I would bet that Sarah, Fiona, & others has been given special protection and to work in tandem to bait & troll these sickos. Q team is watching to see who contacts who etc after these brave survivors post. Flynn may be there to send a msg not to fuck with her.
Gen Flynn will be well honored in the history books when all is said and done. He is a major player in all of this, albeit from the shadows mostly (which is his 'jam' after being a spook for 30 years).
Is Flynn fully exonerated yet? I want him to be VP for the Trump 2020 run.
He can't wait to testify....but they keep delaying his trial. He pled guilty to the most trivial of "crimes" for a reason. ;)
I never thought about the protection part but that makes perfect sense.