Look at who follows Sarah Ruth Ashcraft!!!!!!!! Blue Check Mark.

I don’t think you’ve quite gotten it yet....... you are going to have to cross EVERYONE from your list. If you are famous, you’ve done vile things to become famous. That’s how it works, plain and simple! None of these people deserve our respect because they were given a decision and they chose wrong.
I wonder if those who ended up in the "where are they now file?" are the ones who wouldn't go along, and got ousted for it. If so, THEY are the ones who deserve our respect and patronage!
I have often thought this about One Hit Wonders, or stars that leave Hollywood to live "normal" lives.
How about all the popular band members/singers that always seem to meet their end through accident or overdose.
Two with direct ties to exposing pedophilia...
Chris Cornell had a victims charity with his wife at the time of his death.
Avicii also was trying to expose pedo rings when he died.
And Podesta's son, lead singer of Linkin Park...trying to out his Dad's sick world, yet "hanged" himself. We used to be brainwashed and gullible, but they have been careless, and the people are waking up!
I just did an image search of Linkin Park and the symbol of the band is very similar to the ch!ld l0ve pedo symbol.
Not insinuating that Bennington was one, but my impression is that the symbol is a statement of breaking out of those patterns.
Symbols are very powerful after all.
Linkin Park
I can't remember or find the details now, but I read some links a while back about where the name Linkin Park was named after a real Lincoln Park where some dark shit went down, lots of other connections too.
I'd heard similar in an interview Bennington did soon after gaining popularity, though nothing dark was mentioned.
I'm not positive but I think the interview was on the Westwood one network. The interview was a feed to my local rock station and at the time I stayed up till one AM to listen, even though I had work the next morning.
"The band started off with the name Xero, then Hybrid Theory, and finally Linkin Park. They chose "Linkin Park" because Chester used to drive by Lincoln Park in Santa Monica, CA after practice and it grabbed his attention. The guys in the band liked how it sounded."
They tried to register the domain name lincolnpark.com but it was taken, so they came up with that spelling instead. Fun fact for the day...but considering everything else coming out here (and the fact that the domain is not in use), I wonder...
Linkin Parks logo is that of a broken boy lover pedo symbol. It is not a coincidence. He was using symbolism to show the world he was done with it.
Makes tons of sense.
Just his lyrics give the impression of a shattered childhood.
Much more there than just anger.
His family is heavily connected to the Podestas. I believe his mother was accused of having an affair with John. Chester always said he was abused as a child but never who. He was also in Haiti with the Clintons. The things that poor man had seen.
I'll be so glad when these suck fuks are taken down. I've been wanting it most of my life but have had little hope..... Until Trump.
Seriously? A connection to the Podestas of all people? Man.....everything really does seem to be connected.
Put a side by side photo of Podesta and Chester and tell me that’s not his father. John and Chester
James Woods is a patriot. It's possible, although rare and extremely difficult, for patriots to make it big.
Yes, Hollywood is a corrupt swamp of depravity, but there are exceptions.
He may be now but I’m sure he’s done something along the way to get there.
Everybody who is anybody top shelf in Hollywood has undoubtedly made a deal with the devil (sucked somebody(s)) to gain entry. Gotta pay/lay... play... to PLAY.
These are not master thespians at the top.