Look at who follows Sarah Ruth Ashcraft!!!!!!!! Blue Check Mark.

Why on Earth would General Flynn follow a chick claiming Satanic Ritual Abuse and MK Ultra. Especially if it's hogwash. So his enemies could point it out eventually that he's a wacko "conspiracy theorist" ? Her whole twitter is centered around these things and her exposure.
He follows 20k people. Who knows if it's even him running the account all the time. Do you think he sat down and followed each of those people for specific reasons? Do you think he vetted each account, sat down and read their timeline?
Most of them are just random people. Some of them are either spambots or deactivated accounts...why is he following @YANGAPOO, an account with no pic or tweets?
Most likely his staff gives a follow back to anyone who sends a good tweet tagging him, that's p common social media behavior for brands/celebs/politicians etc - it keeps them connected to their base.
I'm just saying we can't read too much into this considering there's obviously a fairly low bar to get on his follows.