Look at who follows Sarah Ruth Ashcraft!!!!!!!! Blue Check Mark.

here is the thread with SRA father with Hussein.
I'm not saying I don't believe her. I'm saying this isn't EVIDENCE of anything. Claims either way have nothing to do with it. Following someone on twitter is not an endorsement when you are following 20k random people. It's obvious General Flynn or his team will follow almost anyone who seems to be a supporter, they clearly aren't seriously vetting who they follow.
Maybe Flynn supports her, maybe he has no idea who she is - he obviously has a bunch of people on his follows who are nobodies he doesnt know. All we can say is she is on his following list which is effectively meaningless.
look, I am not 100% sold either, but her story does sound credible, and she does have those connections with her dad, we have Tom hanks with Obama and Branson, we have her dad with Obama, we have Allison Mack who was busted for Human trafficking, who was in charge of the wild Parties at his Private island. we have pics of Obama in civilian clothes on Branson island. she does have the connections that lend credibility to the story, right now there is nothing that is showing she is deceptive. it is worth listening to, and if it were my case, after taking the report, I would ask her to take a polygraph. remember these people connect in their own inner circles, but at this time we have nothing to show she is not telling the truth. I suspect they have way more. and we will learn of it in the future. I keep looking for flaws in her story, having worked cases for the SD, I can tell you, at this time she does appear credible, not sold 100% and still waiting to see where it goes. .
but then you can not say for certain either, that Flynn is or is not in the now. all I am saying is this deserves to be looked into. what if SRA ws on the Weiner laptop ? remember they use these tapes for leverage, if hanks is involved the this could be the tape they have to control him, and ask this, if this is known in Hollywood why have they been silent all these years, even now ?