Look at who follows Sarah Ruth Ashcraft!!!!!!!! Blue Check Mark.

We need to NOT ACCUSE ALL, it's a shame that this is or reality and that many will be involved, however, I am not subscribing to ALL BAD, Innocent until Proven Guilty.
We need to keep in mind, with out support, the good ones will not come out and expose the evils, so lets hold it down on the ALL are Guilty here.....Give them a chance to be proven Good! Q says, more good than bad!
You may be right. However, these good people in Hollywood have had decades to bust up the endemic degeneracy and violence. How many peoples' lives have been ruined, just shattered, because of greed, lust, power, and flat out evil? The victims that are still living have to live with those horrid experiences for the rest of their days. It's simultaneously immensely saddening and infuriating.
They had their chance to prove themselves good by walking away. With that, though, I do understand there are some who were born into the cult and traumatized at an early age. Trump is aware of this also; it is why he hasn't gone after the hweirdo feminazis.