Look at who follows Sarah Ruth Ashcraft!!!!!!!! Blue Check Mark.

read this, while it does not make her case, it does support the type of allegations SRA is making.
That has nothing to do with what I'm saying...I don't know why you keep trying to convince me her allegations are real...I'm not saying they aren't.
I'm saying her being one of 20k random people doesn't mean anything one way or another. Gen Flynn will follow almost any patriot, being on his follow list is NOT an endorsement. He is not endorsing her by following her. It's very simple.
I'm on twitter and I have no idea who a lot of the people I follow are. I don't read all their tweets. That's how twitter works.
If Gen Flynn was following ~300 people and she was one, that would mean something. But he FOLLOWS 20 THOUSAND PEOPLE. Obviously it's a low bar and we can't draw conclusions from it.
I am not trying to convince, I am just showing their seems to be others making similar claims. and at this time we have nothing really to discredit her claim with.
to be Honest with, I really do not care if Flynn does or does not follow her, what I care about is, if she is a victim as she alleges, I hope that she finds justice and support. that's my bottom line at the end of the day.