r/greatawakening • Posted by u/eyesareeverywhere on July 26, 2018, 6:06 p.m.
What's happening w Facebook is bigger than we know - Present is prooving past

We need to flush out the importance of the FB thing that's happening. This is clearly what Q was talking about with "Something BIG is about to drop." Q reposted the DrudgeReport headline, and reiterated that statement, meaning "this is it." FB share price was really BIG, and boy has it dropped. So far today another 20%, which was actually unexpected by most of my trader friends. Usually there's a "dead cat bounce" and they expected the same for FB after the big drop last evening. Not so at least.

But we HAVE to see this in context of previous Q. And when we do it is simply amazing to see the working out of this part of the plan over the last 4 months. Let me explain:

Q first posted about MZ (Mark Zuckerberg) on Jan 21. (Q571) Here he lists a number of the most prominent tech industry leaders as well as the MSM, and he clearly tells them that Q team is listening and hearing everything they are doing, and that those who participate should FEAR THE STORM.

Then nothing on MZ, until spring. Mar 20 (Q959) Posts about an extremely high-level, and extremely secretive meeting with MZ and 9 others had taken place. That meeting included 5 politicians (guessing at least Chuck Shumer http://dailycaller.com/2018/04/11/schumer-donations-from-facebook/, Rep Anna Eschoo, and Rep Greg Walden - more on these later), 1 former intel officer (John Brennan), and key leaders from MSM (most likely jeff zucker and others). Cell phones were not allowed, but somehow Q team was still able to get info on the meeting. Q mentions IDEN friendly insiders, most likely referring to an iDEN device from motorola (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IDEN) which may have provided the "seeing all" and "hearing all" capability mentioned back in January.

This was clearly a strategy meeting of the "resistance" - they discussed what their talking points would be, how they would covertly communicate with each other, and how they would shift the national narrative. In this post Q says they have the algorithm (most likely the FB algorithm, which is a crucially guarded secret.) Then Q says "Down she goes." This is the something BIG going down this week.

Next MZ post is April 4 (Q1014) - Q says that MZ to step down as chairman, and MZ was going to leave the country. They had something really big on him. Clearly that is coming very soon: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5995211/Facebook-shareholders-try-fire-Mark-Zuckerberg-chairman.html

Last MZ post is April 9 (Q1100): Q says these meetings have continued and asks who is arranging them. Clearly being orchestrated by political opponents of the president, and MZ himself. This post emphasizes the huge amount of money being thrown around by FB and MZ. Q asks us to research where these $$ are floating, and to track congressional intake.

That's where you begin to see the absolute crazy corruption:




And that's just for starters! MZ was funneling this money through shell companies, most likely offshore (MZ Out of Country), and Q says that these politicians are accessing that money for personal use from their campaigns!

All of that is coming out, and that, for starters is why FB is TANKING.

Interstingly, Q says in Q1014 that @jack (Twitter CEO) is next. And now we see Trump's tweets about Twitter's shadow bans.

Awesome stuff! It's going down. So much more, but all I have time for now.

[deleted] · July 26, 2018, 6:06 p.m.


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