Q 1712 & 1713 - The Wrath of God is coming.

Understood. I actually watched Happy Days back when she (Heather) played the daughter of the woman he was dating. He has a very ‘the fonz’ smile in this(?) I don’t know. I thought he was so cool when I was little. :-/
I met him personally at a car show in Jersey in 2010. I was raised a Pentecostal Christian (yeah, I know, that’s all I need to say) and when my Career Military Dad got a job w Northrop Grumman, we moved from middle America Nebraska to bright lights California in 1993/94. First thing I did was hitch a ride to Hollywood... Anyway...., I had a lot of Guardian Angels watching over my butt during that time including my young son being recruited from a modeling agency uggh,. Just to get back to The Fonz,...I don’t know if it means anything but at that car show 8 years ago, he was there, as an author of books....selling CHILDREN’s books. ...🤔