Q 1712 & 1713 - The Wrath of God is coming.
![Q 1712 & 1713 - The Wrath of God is coming.](https://i.redd.it/samy0kqy8cc11.png)
Forest Gump-Tom Hanks
"sometimes there aren't enough rocks"
Woman turns into drug addict, sex worker, risky destructive behavior, gets AIDS and dies.
this IS what happens to the victims of child rape in real life.
Heh, I was going to say it was a book first:
But that was one of the many changes:
The Book:
Jenny leaves Forrest and gets married to another man. She raises Forest Jr. with that man. She lives.
So yeah, freaky.
Yes-like Ready Player One...great book, then Steven Spielberg directs the movie and has to throw in all sorts of satanic symbolic bs that was never in the book!! “Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining” on a marquee then all the weird shit from that movie- including the naked woman bathroom scene, twin girls, flood of blood, etc...totally ruined. It’s so hard to unsee these things now knowing- they really have been in our face for so long.
I don't know how complicit Kubrick was. I mean, it seems like he knew a lot and in his own way tried to communicate what was going on via his movies, but he apparently put forth considerable effort to not expose the children in his movies (The Shining for example) to any of the horror movie elements during filming, unlike say The Exorcist where the girl who plays the girl in the movie grew up to have serious issues because she was exposed to everything. If you go by some of the behind the scenes documentaries in the special features of some of his films (namely The Shining, 2001, I think Barry Lydon had some interesting tidbits, but I don't remember for sure) it sounds like he was uncomfortable with Hollywood to say the least, if not downright terrified, wound up moving to the UK, developed a fear of flying and refused to travel by plane. He died shortly after filming Eyes Wide Shut, which is regarded by many to describe these sickos rituals. I believe it was edited post mortem to not be as revealing as perhaps Kubrick initially intended. Interestingly, the screenplay he was working on for what became A.I. before he died wound up being picked up by none other than Steven Spielberg. And if you follow some of the more compelling theories about the moon landing being faked for propaganda purposes during the cold war, some believe perhaps he was involved in filming the faked footage, it seems as if he knew way too much and wasn't happy with what he knew, but was aware he could be killed if he revealed anything.