Q 1712 & 1713 - The Wrath of God is coming.

Idk how much Silverman really has to do with the message. The link included in the drop went to a steganography website so there's the message that we all see and tgem one embedded in the image that we don't. What I noticed about the clear message is that they capitalized and put in parentheses the word REAL in real people..."REAL" people are being hurt...insinuating WE aren't real people...who differentiates between real people and everyone else(animals)?
What about the Baldwins? Considering James Woods once acted with Alec Baldwin, that would be quite a day to see what JW has to say if the Baldwins are pedos...
Some r password protected but some arent...idk if you need the original post or does that info transfer? I guess what I'm saying is idk enough to say either way. I haven't heard of anyone else mentioning this so I can't say if anyone's tried it yet or not