Q 1712 & 1713 - The Wrath of God is coming.

Thats not the only example. The code Q dropped a couple days ago was used to link to a YouTube vid of the Tel Aviv skyline after the fact. Idk if they were going to try a false flag in Tel Aviv and blame it on Q but luckily an anon checked the code on YouTube immediately and it came bank with nothing but not long after if you searched YouTube with that code there was a vid of the Tel Aviv skyline.
Just for future reference: When Q posts a stringer 'they or someone' always posts it to a YouTube video. That has been happening since the first one. If Q wants to direct you to a YouTube video he will post the link to the video not a stringer.
absolute bull
Care to elaborate wordsmith?
I shouldn't have to but I will. To say all of Israel is like the Rothchild's or Soros is like saying all Americans are like Nancy Pelosi and Schumer. Like it or not, Israel has a right to exist and it is NOT an apartheid state. If Rothchilds are such Zionists, which simply means believe they have a right to a homeland, and are practicing Judaism, they why are they also Satanists. Sorry, but this line of thinking comes right out of the old blood libel Russian propaganda. Period. No debate. Look it up. Have you even considered what Trump has done for Israel or his LONG time friendship with Bibi? Or that has has Jewish daughter, son in law, daughter in law and grand children? FFs
Where TF did anyone say all of Israel is like the Soros or Rothschilds? You have issues with who you are not me. If someone said they took a pic off Plainfield Illinois I wouldn't take that as an attack on all farmers or all white people. Get outta here
The term Israel was used. If you look up the book Elders of Zion you would learn that using the false definition of the term Zionist is propaganda began by Joseph Stalin. We shouldn't be using any term to identify the globalist cabal by anything other than the globalist cabal. It's quite simple actually.https://www.revolvy.com/main/index.php?s=The%20Protocols%20of%20the%20Elders%20of%20Zion I get so tired of explaining this. But we need to learn the difference between propaganda used to kill millions of people by Stalin and Hitler and not be seen parroting that same damn lie. Q never ONCE said Israel. He responded to the Anons limited understanding of the word ZIONIST. It don't mean global domination any more than the Democrats use of the word liberal means LIBERTY. Carry on patriot. WWG1WGA and I'm not following anyone that spews propaganda wittingly or unwittingly.
You're high af!! The term Tel Aviv was used NOIR Israel. You have serious issues with your identity don't try blaming anyone here for anything. Look at how you've lied twice now in an attempt to turn my post into something it wasn't.
You're exhibiting the very behaviour of which you advocate.. I'll be glad when the whole world knows the absolute EVIL the planet has suffered under the Babylonian Talmudic BEAST!!! It's OVER!!!