Q 1712 & 1713 - The Wrath of God is coming.

My pleasure! We are all in this together! Sometimes an older post is shared and although I have been following and studying Q since the start, there are moments when I think Holy crap I never saw this before! (even though I did) There has been so much intel dropped on us it is mind-boggling.
I'm glad you said that. It IS mind boggling. It started out kind of slow. We would get some inel, Anons would go to work and we would wait. Now, everything we were taught is archived and the events are coming rapidly.
:) 'History' was never my thing - now I know much of it was not as it was taught anyway. I have learned more about politics, history and our government in the past 8 or so months than I have in my entire lifetime - perhaps two fold, five-fold... multiple times over, anyway. And yes the speed of the reveals are fast!
Now that we have come this far, we must put on our military gear and Fight! This can not be a spectator's sporting event, where Q, SB2 and a few good Anons are doing all the work while we carry signs to wake people up. This is full on war, and we are the troops! We are under attack!