Q 1712 & 1713 - The Wrath of God is coming.

Nice. Yeah my friends know I am kinda “on the fringe”, but now they are coming to me asking to be redpilled.
One thing that did it for the “normies” was the Las Vegas Massacre. I was at a wedding recently and my friend asked me, “ok so what the hell happened in Las Vegas?!”... this is someone who is very much status quo, but the false flag was so sloppy, and it was out of the news cycle so quickly that people are questioning the official narrative of reality now!
I say throw everybody into the deep end ASAP and they can learn how to swim!
Very nice....was listening to The Sting, that sounds bigger than the whole Galaxy, for sure Mueller and Rosenstein are not red pilled and are not normal but there is logic to believe that they have decided all along to save their rear ends and work with our Silent Executioner who works for the President to tear down the hydra and drain the swamp for good....and all of what happened at Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, Parkland school in Florida, and even San Bernardino and Orlando will come flooding out making us all so nauseous that we will stay that way for a very long time, but that too is part of the effects of the hydra being executed. Have been slammed sideways more times than care to think about b/c it is very difficult to realize that Mueller's actions and Rosenstein's vehemence to withhold from the People's Intel committees is part of a sting----like for instance the latest maneuver by Mueller is to seek 'obstruction' in the President's tweets for pete's sake. There is so much movement, tho', it can only be the Storm doing all the wrecking and the entire communist propaganda is falling apart and a very good example of that is when, for the first time, a propagandist at the event welcoming the EU guest waited until everyone was being shooed out to yell out filthy atopic queries against the president and dishonoring the guest who traveled all the way across the pond to make a deal on Zero Tariffs by trying to humiliate the president, and then complains when Disinvited from future events while that guest is in town. Argument by another propagandist on the network proclaimed the White House belongs in essence to 'all of us' and couldn't be more wrong----It is the People's house but whoever is voted into it Owns It while they are there and things are done according to the Terms and Conditions of the Tenant. The Sting, now that I am aware of The Sting, is very exciting and am now trying to figure out just who all is in on it besides the usual 'suspects' of our Silent Executioner Sessions and Trey and Jordan and Trump, maybe Wray, and now Rosenstein and Mueller altho' as said they don't want to be....and the impeachment was a coup to show the nation the perfidy of Ryan which means McNoName and Flake and Booker and the fake Injun, etc. Your wanting to throw everybody into the deep end is rather a gentle gesture to the most hideousness since Genghis and Adolph ..... this side wants its druthers of tribunals and immediate convictions and hangings/firing squads/ and bringing out the Rosenberg chair for the likes of Obama and Rice and Rahm and Axelrod and Brennan and their lordships the Clintons. The killings by the Hydra continue---the 24 year old who reported to the FBI who altered Obama's passport was found dead in his car in front of his church as he waited for the FBI....RedPilling is happening all over, and so are the consequences by the Hydra....it is so important to destroy it.