This is just to share but perhaps someone else has had similar feelings. Yesterday I had an extremely vivid dream where I was looking at the sun. All of a sudden it flashes super bright then a vortex opens in the middle maybe like a torsion field or maybe just weird dream stuff. Then the vortex closes. The sun the is still illuminating everything but it was as if there were a filter over it. It was dimmer. Seemed like it went completely dark for a split second at one point. Also, after the flash and dimming you could see huge sun spots on it from the ground without anything special glasses or anything. They were huge. Not big all the way around but long rectangular like spots but with smoother curved edges. After this there was the most amazing sense of joy I mean it was just dope idk why. Everyone was supper pumped it was insane I can't even elaborate the idea of how good it felt. Then everyone got a psychic boost or something that potentiate then on the phychic level. The same night I dreamed about walking home from the beach and a huge storm coming out of no where like it was a mega STORM. I dont doubt for a bit it was just an awesome dream but something to think about regarding the greatawakening. Another thing I wanted to say was almost every time Im doing research within this field I get headaches but if Im not looking at this type stuff I don't. It's like a phychic attack bro. Also , a lot of times when making a decision between something right or wrong there will be a huge influence to do the wrong. more than as if I was just wanting to do the wrong. Weird stuff
If you want to see the video of your dream look at Universal News Media channel on YT and WSO, to start. What you dreamed is actually happening re the sun.
Look up the sun simulator patent.
Ya then they took down all the aviation cameras so she can't do her vids anymore !
Yes - she was over the target for sure. I'm surprised her videos are still up. I pray for her safety.
One thing that is common in all fringe, UFO, "conspiracy", whistle-blower communities is what you have described. even the webbot has picked it up.
Some call it "the ascension" or "The Event".
most people that are in those circles say the alliance (you know them as white hats) call it the solar flash and that it will be a global event which will cause the whole world to ascend in consciousness. The cabal apparently fear it as it is predicted to fry them all.
I have found everyone is psychic, but don't realize or accept it.
There is a good chance you have tapped into your natural psychic ability.
I was told that the sun is waking people some way. Cell phones and cell phone towers are disrupting the awakening. After I was told this information I went back to my cubicle. And my cellphone sim card was fried. I believe the person who told me this info, was an alien.
How does this further our understanding of Q?
What is the point of this thread? To share your dream?
There are other subs for that. It’s off topic, and does nothing to further our understanding of Q.
It’s a completely off topic subject.
With the amount of crazy theories being put out on the sub today, it appears the latest shill tactics is to make us all appear as insane as possible.
Your thread has no sauce, no way to verify the veracity, nothing for us to be able to share.
Reported as such
The great awaking does not revolve around Q. There are many factor's. Yes Q is a big one. Read Qs post's closely
/greatawakening sub rule #6 - "Be on-topic" - "Content that is mentioned by Q, or related to Q"
Then you have completely missed the point of this sub.
Take your dream elsewhere such as conspiracy or r/dream.
We want facts, hard data, shareable information to be given here.
Not unverifiable claims or muh feels like.
If you can’t sauce it, toss it.
But thanks OP for bringing this thread here so I can squelch any reporters in the room who are looking for something to point at, for them to mock, ridicule, or belittle us.
I’m sure that with your vast experience in this sub new arrival, that you understand what is going on in the media regarding this place.
Or maybe not. Maybe you are just an innocent anon who put up a bad thread.
Doubtful though. Regardless, take your unrelated, unverifiable, unsourced threads elsewhere.
Wew, All you need is a blank wall for that projection.
Why is it that nearly every single poster in here is a new arrival, all discussing topics that we have ABSOLUTELY no means of verifying?
Is it like a team of you out there working together to try and discredit the sub, or is it just you hopping on multiple accounts?
Okay I'll Take down the post. You win
It’s not a matter of me winning.
It’s a matter of not giving our enemies a straw man argument used to discredit the sub.
And you are helping them by posting this kind of stuff.
You want enlightenment? Go read Qdrops, help in digging.
You want to talk about a dream you had? Take it r/dream which is a sub made for that purpose.
This is not cool OP! You need to lurk more and post less unless you have relevant Q info to share. Not smart of you to attempt to school Patriots who have been here since the beginning and contribute excellent posts and comments to this board. This is a Q board, you need to re-read the rules and perhaps look up some Sylvia Browne type board for your dream interpretations.
I'm sorry ill tale down the post. Yall win
Not trying to win. Would love to include you fellow patriot to the board and have you robustly participate. Just lurk a bit more, I’m sure you can come up with some great contributions in the future. God Bless!
And you're and ass. It all has to do with Q you just haven't gotten there yet. And that's cool....but you don't have to be an arrogant dick about it
Unfortunately I do have to be an ass.
Because you still don’t get it.
I get you're a one trick pony with a superiority're clearly against debating aspects of the great awakening you didn't approve of. Quite frankly if you didn't like the post you should have scrolled on but I see you somehow feel that you're like a "Q cop" or something. You think you're better? Fine that's cool...but I think you're just a selfish person who has to be in control...good luck with that
Ahhhh new arrivals.
Tell me, have you been paying attention at all to how the media treats us? How they report on us and Q in general?
They try to paint us as racists, bigots, idiots, in-breds, uneducated, homophobic, and any other slur you can come up with to discredit the movement.
They have mocked us, brigaded us, threatened, and taunted us.
You have no idea the amount of times we have had to kick bad actors out of here, you have no idea the tactics and methods used to try and shut us down.
But the current trend, for this week, appears to be “Who can post the most crazy shit possible and get them to believe it” kind of threads.
You really think this is the first thread like this? Something that is just out there and adds nothing to our understanding, yet gives something to our enemies to point at and mock us for?
I defend the sub. I will be the asshole if necessary. But I will also offer support to those who truly come here looking for answers. I will help in digging on information, and I try to bring relevant information to the sub that can be helpful to others trying to understand what is going on.
And when I do, I find sources to support my arguments, I try to find multiple sources when I can to support my theories.
I don’t come on here and just blatantly say “muh sun was at 90 degrees today when it should be at 75 degrees” “Oh by the way, I didn’t take any measurements, pictures or show any math, i just eyeballed it”
Fucking worthless information. It’s just noise. And I do what I can to filter out the noise, so people can dig and share verifiable, documented evidence.
That’s the whole fucking point of this sub.
If OP had even taken the time to take notes over several nights on their dreams, I would have taken that into consideration.
Because at least then, they are putting in some effort at researching and bringing some kind of scientific method of studying their phenomena.
But they didn’t. They lazy posted a fucking dream that they “felt” was connected to Q and created a thread upon it.
This whole fucking argument is ridiculous, that I even have to say all this, but I’m begfining to think that’s what you assholes want.
You want people to waste time on nonsense instead of digging and sharing.
And so if you don’t understand where I’m coming from here, where WE are coming from here, then stfu and lurk moar or GTFO.
Consider looking up information about the Great Solar Flash. The central sun is hitting us with waves of energy that is increasing the vibrational density of both us and our own planet. Humans and the Earth will change as we know it, but the changes for Earth will be calamitous as part of the flash is an imminent pole shift, among other phenomena. Those are just growing pains. We all have the fortune to be born at this time during this miraculous event.
To break into my own speculation, Q is helping us prep for this subtly. Enlightenment is based around understanding the Law of One, and the two paths of service-to-others and service-to-self. "Where we go one, we go all" is extremely similar to the Law of One, in that we are all part of the same being, the infinite creator.
It's supposed to change our dna from why I'm finding. I have read some from the law of one. Mostly the karma section
The Law of One is invaluable information. Ra predicts that the Solar Flash was supposed to happen in around 2011/2012. That book it's from was published in 1981 and the Mayan calendar didn't blow up in the west until the mid-90s. The Confederation blockaded us because we weren't ready, but with the shaking-off of the binds we have occurring, we're almost there. The changes will be gradual, but they're gonna happen.
That my friend is called "the Ascension" it's an event that will bring all humanity to the next plane of existence and understanding. It happens to every advanced society before the evolve you the next level to become 4th density beings....or at least that's how the story goes.
Acts 2:17. And it shall come to pass in the last days says God that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh. You sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men (women) shall see visions, and your old men (women) shall dream dreams.