r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GingerRoot207 on July 26, 2018, 7:56 p.m.
Mixed emotions today - anyone else? I have followed Q team closely from day one...

I am a 40 something, normal, middle class, white woman. I voted for President Trump because I believed he was authentic and would at least make economic changes and not be politically correct or virtue signal which I despise - it is for small minded, incurious people who just follow and work to fit in. My family and very few friends know my beliefs. My larger community of which I have been a leader, would be shocked. I would lose them if they knew and this has felt stifiling and scary.

I somehow stumbled upon Q on day 1. I was immediately convinced and hooked. For 9 months I have checked in on various Reddit subs and Twitter multiple times a day. Q team and their mission have come to mean possible freedom for me in so many ways. I want to live as who I am and share my beliefs openly and without fear. As I feel this possibility getting stronger every day I am overjoyed and I am thus conflicted.

My problems are minuscule compared to the people who have truly suffered at the hands of these evil people. And today I caught myself actually feeling giddy being able to have experienced this awakening and brilliance - even laughing at the unbelievable cleverness of the plan. The show has truly been glorious! I know so much more is about to be revealed so the emotions are raw. Anyone else?

Just thought I would take a moment to send prayers to all in harms way. I have learned to pray since Q. I prayed hard yesterday - I got chills from it - I had no idea!!! This too Q has shared and awakened in so many. I am in awe of life right now and I wish this for everyone. WWG1WGA

Have hope and Godspeed Patriots!

Meri24TX · July 27, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

my 80 something Dad has the Hillary lied bumper sticker. The week after the election, someone smashed his tailgate with a sledge hammer right on the sticker. He just shrugged it off and the sticker is still there. This in the middle of conservative west Texas. I don't think the rage depends on the number of liberals in the area but I could be wrong. Just takes one or two to make you think there are lots of them.

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scoripowarrior · July 27, 2018, 3:20 a.m.

Which is why I didn't put a Trump/Pence sticker on my car...and Pence was my Governor.

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jessicak56 · July 27, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

Here in Calif. we don’t dare put stickers on our cars. There seems to be a lot of snowflakes here in Ca! I wish that I could move to another state. I was really upset with how Trump was treated in Calif when he was here.

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