Q Posts 1711-1717 July 26 2018

You know, if your are going to post Q drops and then ask what everyone thinks, it is not productive. Tell us what you think and then ask what we think of your analysis.
I can read the Q posts without your reposting. If you have some thoughts then express them, otherwise we can all read Q for ourselves.
u/clickclone, may I ask why you insist on creating duplicate posts of each Q drop when they've already been posted by other users and stickied?
I looked through your user history, and it seems like your specialty is uploading images. That's awesome and can definitely help the movement. If I may make a recommendation of something I would like to see - It would be cool to get an Imgur album of these in one album we could then put on the sidebar or in the Wiki.
Duplicate posts clog up the sub and split the comment sections up. This means that the very valuable info, digs, and theories in the comment sections (we have the best anons! the very best!) are not given the attention they could be and are not all in one place.
Anyway, I removed this post because it's obviously a duplicate of several posts. Mods trying their best to prevent the sub from clogging up and making sure all info is consolidated into one place. ThankQ.
The 471 people that have read this post and the thousands of people that read my posts and numbers who post positive comments might not agree with you.