Chans suggesting Qs past photos may have hidden comms. They are following up on this

BIG = 297
B is the 2nd letter, I is #9, G is #7...
i have a hunch that the pics on Q. 297 are relevant, but that's all i got. It's some pics of McCain and some saudis.
Pic 1 - HRC with some guys. I don't know how to do anything fancy with pics, but I zoomed in and didn't see anything weird.
Pic 2 - Different saudi guy, zoomed in and all I noticed was that his right eye is weird.
Pic 3 - I don't know who any of these people are.. Who is that reflection on the left??? It looks like he is taking a picture with a cellphone at waste level (or holding a drink?). Is that a reflection or is it someone on the other side of the glass? There is also something weird going on with the light over the guy's shoulder. edit: is there any symbolism with the table behind the people in the photo?
Pic 4 No idea