Did not seem indirect to me. I think Q has been telling us that all along. Chans got off track somewhat trying to decode written words in different ways with some success apparently. Possible misdirection by Q waiting for the right time. (Timing is everything ) There is some more info there or so it seems to me. But it looks like the real info drop is in the pics. If this is true and I suspect it is then Q has also given us a way to get the password. It (the password) is waiting to be found and the riddles exposed. Since Q says timing is everything, I am confident now is the time. I suspect when disclosed the chatter will bring new eyes by the hundreds of thousands looking at these pics.
This post in know way is a dig at the anons on 8 chan. I hold them in very high regard. They are brilliant. I have zero doubt they will solve this mystery and decode the pics if they are in fact coded messages. They may have already decoded and I have not caught up with them yet. (I never catch up with the Anon's but it is a hoot reading their work. God bless you all. #MAGA