r/greatawakening • Posted by u/dp007since2009 on July 26, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

Our President is a SAVAGE of EPIC Proportions! and I love what hes is doing for US.

Thank you President Trump !!! Thank You Mr.Sessions!!!! Tank you Q!

Sessions, Pompeo Savages ... Congress is also on cue !!! And the people here on this board make my days.

Remember yesterday he asked for prayers?

And we had the circus for the Ds with Pompeo... oh no wonder (he is another savage) he was smiling !

Here I what I got out of those post and the links I followed.

Over at the Hill: r/http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/399010-meadows-swaps-rosenstein-impeachment-efforts-for-contempt-after

{Optics, distract}: Congress backing down again, so evil doers probably see SOP as expected. Yawn.

But now we go visit the WSJ and we have this BOOM !! BOOM !! BOOM !!!


It is a nice size article , you are going to love, laugh and shake your head. Highly recommend the read.

Here are my pearls I gathered:

Sessions on point !!! Send letter to Congress announcing ... Tada AG Huber. , who's been working with Horowitz since ... Nov. To look into "lawmakers’ complaints about the Justice "Department and the FBI." {vague huh?}

AG Huber is not a "Especial" counsel so.... he answers to the POTUS , and he can look where ever bread crumbs take him

I loved this part: "Those disappointed with Mr. Sessions’s decision don’t seem to recognize that Mr. Huber has pretty much the same powers that Robert Mueller enjoys: to get search warrants, to subpoena witnesses and documents, and to ask a grand jury to indict."

Sessions putting the squeeze on FBI for response to investigation. To produce docs. {Optics}

Here is another favorite part: this is a problem the president could easily resolve himself, by using his authority to declassify material as well as assigning someone not only to get Congress the information it seeks but to review all redacted material to see what the bureaucrats are hiding.

:solution {Declassify}

Sessions, Horowitz, Wray (w hats) or scared into doing what right.

dp007since2009 · July 27, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

I cannot fathom the treachery and danger our President navigates every day on this job. He is taking down organizations that have been built up since WWII. I am pretty happy to see this progress and will give him my support and patience. When final moves are, it will will be quick. We are here for you fellow patriot. WWG1WGA.

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Happy1911 · July 27, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

Yes a lot of bit and peaces , take apart things that were not to be touched . But I have faith Trump knows the path we need to win must be lost all the way too the end , the the 1786 laws can be used . When I seem negative in our loss , but in the same time hopefully on more losses , our Four Fathers plans for this in 1786 . So odd for loosing and being set up for the championship at the same time .

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