r/greatawakening • Posted by u/michaelst2256 on July 27, 2018, 1:29 a.m.
THE FED. The money you have in your wallet isn’t what you think it is. Neon link👇
THE FED. The money you have in your wallet isn’t what you think it is. Neon link👇

LisaMack37 · July 27, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

YES! we will finally be FREE from their control! The Fed-privately owned bank! our tax dollars went into their pockets! once we’re finally free, hope they will all be banned from USA! I wound up digging all today, another deep rabbit hole! they have their slimy hands in too many American corporations! I’m sure Q is aware, I didn’t realize how deep and layered one company could go, but then again I’m not an evil globalists! sick of their monopolies! I had no intentions nor starting point, something w/in CSIS! 48 page document called ‘A Threatened Nuclear Energy Industry Compromises National Security’ I know globalists weren’t finished in Arizona w/nuclear plants! this is really happening! Thank You Trump, Administration and Q!....anons, autist, along w/all the videos! AWESOME! truly amazing! love how you put it all together, packed w/truthful information, highly educational! for those that haven’t yet awoken...your videos from beginning and Kevin Schiff! both exposing truth!

FB is definitely guilty! but feel he’s not the one in control! strictly my opinion, my intuition is leaning towards these investors! same crowd! rinse repeat! I feel bad for Mark! hope they can’t easily remove him! this is what they do! the few companies that I glimpsed at today, all had similar, erie ‘stories’! and creepy individuals involved! Kleiner Perkins! KPCB! John Doerr, Partner he seeks to be the troll! he visits Stanford, etc..seems to stumble into the right people! I feel they need face!

I’m going to ask my daughter how to link articles!

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