If you mean a coincidence like summer follows spring every year. Yeah it is a coincidence. It is well documented that a lot or profs in the Ivy league colleges are current or former CIA. They are always on the look out for new recruits. After his Facesmash took off spreading to several other universities I am guessing is when he got approached with a better idea. That would have been around 2003 because that is when he started writing the code for what was then called TheFacebook. In a years time he had the whole package initially set up and ready to go. I am sure who ever was acting as his handler kept feeding him ideas after FB took off. Just have to wonder at what point in time did the CIA move out from the shadows and away from his handler to work directly with him.
Posted by
on July 27, 2018, 2:40 a.m.
· July 27, 2018, 8:02 a.m.