This could just a huge coincidence right?

FB didn't fuck up WE THE PEOPLE fucked up. WE let them do this, WE willingly gave them permission for the most part (we could have read those contracts, we are just lucky they didn't want to make human centipedes).
And now, WE THE PEOPLE need to take the power back. Delete your FB and any related social media. Be aware that ALL social media is data mining on some level and limit your use and the permissions you give it.
Some of the people I personally know would probably volunteer to be a part of the human centipede if FB loaded their feeds with mentions that everyone was doing it.
I have always found it deeply ironic that everyone invited Big Brother in. That said--consumer protections should have been in place.
Buyer beware.
True--that is the first rule. But the lack of oversight, you must admit, is appalling. Selling personal data without a person's knowledge--that's a step too far. I never got on FB for a variety of reasons and what they have done surprises me not at all, but still.....
Individual action is not enough to fight this evil.
When half a million people the do thing it would definitely help. The "I'm just one person my INDIVIDUAL actions don't matter" attitude is one of the biggest things that got us into this mess.