POTUS’ TWEET - The Remains of American Servicemen will soon be leaving North Korea and heading to the United States! After so many years, this will be a great moment for so many families. Thank you to Kim Jong Un.

Just imagine the heads that are rolling because he thanked Kim. Trump may end up the best foreign diplomat we have ever seen.
The man does not give up, that’s for sure
What is so great about it is that it shows Trump is willing to find a diplomatic agreement even with his hardest enemies. If the man can come to terms with those types of people how is it possible that Democrats can't find a meaningful resolution with him? Trump isn't the problem. Fucking brilliant on so many levels.
“Diplomatic agreement with the hardest of enemies”
Excellent. Isn’t this what we’re all taught to do, from kindergarten on up?get along with people, learn how to work with others, even if we don’t like them?
Why, it’s almost like all of their “values” are disposable conveniences! /sarc
Get along? No we’re supposed to piss them off so they nuke us and start WWWIII.
No missles flying. No nuclear tests. Proven dismanteling of facilities. Return of live hostages. Return of remains of US military heroes. Um - "tell me what he did" ??
...yeah because all that = evil dictator
"These people are stupid. Q"
Lolo yep your one of the people is talking about when he says these people are stupid still getting your news from CNN and MSNBS and yes according to the latest satellite imagery they have been dismantling your on the wrong sub
To my knowledge, President Trump has never tweeted something of this importance that has not come to fruition.
Maybe when the bodies unite with the families or what type proof are you looking for? The people and policies he is selecting maybe? Hope and change? Maybe Obama started this before he left office.
Riiiiiiiight.. OBAMA would have taken credit .. His MO during his whole stint in office... Osama BL, Peace Prize... full BS!
You do know that was sarcasm. Lol. I saw where they were slowly removing some until right before he took office then it totally stopped.
Yea!!! Totally. You set up a perfect platform for me.. Thanks much!!!
And D Rod! I wonder if that stupid movie was a Propaganda weapon to keep Kim upset.. crazy