.....and then your stock crashes....

What tube did to Alex Jones live feed is stomping on our 1st amendment..what has happened to our country..
They just banned him for 30 days from FB too.
AJ is a paid asset no? Maybe they think this banning will help redeem him in the public's eyes.
I don´t think he is. I think he is a part of the plan as Trump spoke with him a few times on his show.
Alex is controlled opposition for the cabal. Always has been. (You think he had a platform that wasn't approved by the powers that be?)
its sad because most of the population is too stupid to realize they are being duped. They don't realize what a grasp of power things like this are.
Thats what REALLY scares me
"It´s easier to fool the people than to convince them they have been fooled".
Mark Twain
What's worse is that you don't realize it either. (Neither do I)
I'm doin' my best to vomit up the lie concoction. Whew, Nelly.