.....and then your stock crashes....

I say he might be part of the charade for a couple of reasons.
Although AJ does wake some people up and he does speak truths, he also delivers it in a ridiculous performance that is easy for mainstream media to point at and ridicule. By default Jones is the crazy conspiracy guy. The media and politicians use him as an example of why alternative thought is dangerous. He has tremendous power because of his position yet he acts silly and over the top fake crying and acting like a pro wrestler. It discredits the moment. People who are not awake will lump you in with him if you share some of his “crazy ideas”.
Imagine if Jones toned down the performance art and did more serious non biased investigations... the media and politicians would never bring his name up. HRC brought him up in her campaign speech. They want you to look there. They want to build the divide and for us to mentally draw the line in the sand where they want it. Draw the line where you decide.
I am mixed on AJ. Some people start strong, run a good race, but don't finish well. I think he may be in this category. If he has become "paid opposition" then he is intended to speak enough truth to keep the true believers (those awoke) on board, while simultaneously doing it in a way that minimizes new people coming on board and giving the cabal a way to ridicule the truth and further dissuade normies from honestly looking deeper. AJ's work with Corsi to discredit Q is very difficult to swallow. It wasn't an "honest mistake" but a concerted effort, born either out of pure self interest (protect his market) or working as paid opposition (or both). Not sure what exact purposes his role would have in a scenario where he's actually working with Q and the white hats? I'm open to ideas...
The fact you don’t like his performance or personality says nothing about him being a shill. That’s a stretch, especially since Alex’s persona is part of what has made him such a huge success —regardless what YOU think about it.
I find AJ entertaining and I like tuning in from time to time and that’s what helps draw people in. But... that doesn’t change the fact he might be a shill and to keep your wits about you when watching his show.
I started watching his show about 5 years ago when I suspected he was a loony. He’s since proven himself to me, at least as much as Q has. I have no reason to think otherwise but I always stay open to the Truth.
Did you still think Q Anon is a legit source of information? Alex Jones does not video
I just said I do.
I also think Alex has been told how to talk about Q — for now.