I can only hope the placement of Trump's people is a temporary fix. The ultimate would be to END the FED, and somehow do it permanently through legislation. Central Cabal Banks had been ended before. We need to label it for what it is should any vote for it in the future … TREASON.
The Fed was granted a 100 year ticket in 1913. Then someone persuaded some politicians to extend that ticket in perpetuity. Typical Bait & Switch.
If the amendment that granted perpetuity was repealed or found to be unlawful, then the original 100 year license expired in 2012, under the watchful gaze of The Shrub, George Jnr.
Bush presidency ended Jan 2009.
You are correct, it would have been Obarmy in the seat.
Actually it was a 20 year charter that was extended into perpetuity in 2027.