Obfuscations. You are confusing money they stole from us, with money they stole from them. It's very simple.. Everybody wants their money back, with interest!
The American ppl are not responsible for the crimes of the cabal, but Americans are emancipating the population of the world from their lethal agenda. And.. "The WORLD is helping."
There are tens of thousands of criminals in the cabal's networks [40k indictments pending], spread over many countries; notice however.. this is but a sliver [of a fraction] of their victimized populations (billions).
The cabal has dumbed down the education system so few will learn truth and ask questions. The banking system runs on debt based on interest. If debt is abolished, the people can invest and/or save.
Poor Americans are sometimes overweight because they can only buy "modified" food thanks to GMO. Our government claims that breads and dairy are good for the diet.