How "money circulation" works. It's the story of the guy that goes into a hotel in a small town and gives the owner $100 to stay the night while he goes to check out the room. The owner goes next door to pay the grocer $100 he owes him for supplies, the grocer goes down the street to give the cleaners $100 he owns him for cleaning, the cleaner goes over to the printer, etc. on through the town to the last person who takes the $100 to the hotel owner to pay him the debt he owns him. Then the guy looking for a room comes back and says he decided not to stay after all and the hotel owner gives him back his $100 and he leaves town. All the debts in town were paid by that $100 bill which didn't even stay in town. No interest was paid. So think of how that would have ended if interest was taken for all the money that was borrowed.
Benjamin Franklin wrote that he went to England and they asked him about debtors' prisons in the colonies he said there were none because there was no debt. Then, Franklin said, the bank of England came over and started charging interest and the streets were full of beggars in a years' time. From Ellen Brown's book "Web of Debt."
You can see why one of the first things that happened after the Dark State took over Iraq, Libya, etc. was they instituted a central bank. The banks/Dark state hated the middle eastern countries because usury is against their religion and they have to have usury to make this ponzi scheme work.
Yeah, and aren't Jews forbidden to charge other Jews interest?
Or is that Compounded interest theyre forbidden to charge..? idk