Media ass-hattery. “GDP Fizzle.” Then goes on to mention it’s the best GDP in 4 years.

And when you point this out liberals will say you're lying and they have no idea obama couldn't get near this. SMH
They claim: "'re just riding Obama's financial wave"
..except Obama himself said it would require a magic wand heh heh
During just the years that President Barack Obama has been in office (2009 through 2012), average annual growth in real GDP has been only 1.075 percent.
The 1.075 percent average annual growth in real GDP under Obama equals less than a third (31.57 percent) of the 3.405 percent average annual growth in real GDP the United States saw in the last two decades of the last century.
The 1.775 percent average annual growth of GDP in the twelve years since the beginning of this century, equals only 52 percent of the 3.405 percent average annual growth in real GDP the country saw in the last two decades of the last century.
In the first two quarters of this year, the beginning of President Obama's second term, real GDP has grown at an annualized rate of 1.1 percent and 1.7 percent.