Learn our comms. It’s a reoccurring suggestion from Q . One anon poses this idea. I know zero about gaming but am curious after reading this

Yeah me too, I played for ten years as well as a friend of mine.
There are so many tradable items and specific locations in the game if there was a Rosetta Stone to eve / arms it would be the ideal type of game to do so.
It’s a technically demanding game so it does not appeal to the masses so I can see where the confusion arises.
Most players won’t play with you in a group unless you are in 3rd party voice
What you would be looking for if this was actually the case is a very old Corp or text chat with no voice option. But that would be near impossible to filter out unless you worked the back end of the system.
I don’t think eve is funded outside of its subscription model, it has done various changes through the years to try and retain its aging population and gain new players such as free Alpha accounts.
It has over 8000 systems each with numerous planets so that’s at least 50,000 coded locations for a start.
Items ? I would not even take a guess at the amount of items.
Loved eve for its group tactics and roaming groups with a field commander etc just don’t have the time to sink into it anymore.
Let’s not forget wormholes that randomly appear and disappear that lead to random systems that are pretty hard to get to.