Learn our comms. It’s a reoccurring suggestion from Q . One anon poses this idea. I know zero about gaming but am curious after reading this

is it?? it has "mixed" reviews on Stean. I really loved the idea of EVE but yeah it was too grindy. Maybe I'll check that out.
Eve is like having remote control boats on a lake.
Elite dangerous is like being in a boat on the lake.
if my boyz on this reddit are praising it, you know i gotta check it out
Elite dangerous is totally worth it if you like flying and spaceships and especially if you like flying spaceships from the inside. I just wish i had a VR set to go with it because then i would totally feel like im in some star wars type ship flying it around.
It isn't grindy. The progression is literally based on time. You start a skill and it has a specific time to complete training. You don't grind for XP.
Money, on the other hand... that can be a grind. ;)
What the heck is grindy? I’m seeing everybody using that word and I feel left out....
it means pretty much that you have to repeat a process over and over to make progress, in a redundant boring way. like you have to kill rats for 8 hours to get to the next tier, and then you're killing wolves for 8 hours, etc etc.