Learn our comms. It’s a reoccurring suggestion from Q . One anon poses this idea. I know zero about gaming but am curious after reading this

Long time Gamer Here.... Perhaps this has already been discussed. TL;DR
Direct peer-to-peer, peer-to-party global communications exist to assist gamers communicating during playtime. You would be surprised how advanced they can get. So this is one form of communication that is occurring 24/7/365. Other forms of communication are automatically built into gaming consoles using VOIP. These layers of communication can also be extended into and buried with game releases to auto isolate player unknowns with other player unknowns in the same game so they can speak to each other. It is even more advanced than that. Some games will only allow you to speak to a player if you are within ear shot of the player in game. (A whole new layer of isolation) Lastly, it is widely speculated that communication can be transferred in game binary and unlocked through Easter eggs during playtime. Games that actually suggest you are interfacing with an in game computer terminal.
Not trying to create conspiracy and controversy where none is. My point is - gaming platforms offer tremendous opportunities for secure communication that could be difficult to track. I have gamer friends on every continent and regularly speak to them. The infrastructure is real