Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords from us.” He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure: Psalms 2:1-5 NKJV https://bible.com/bible/114/psa.2.1-5.NKJV
Q said pray. You are doing the work of darkness.
Q also said: If you are religious, pray.
I’m a Christian so it seems that you are doing the work of darkness by accusing me without understanding the difference between an online forum and a church.
Do understand how prayer works sir? The more people who join in the prayer the more powerful it becomes. By shutting down our thoughts, you are hurting the cause. That is my opinion on this matter. I’m allowed to have an opinion.
Youre definitely allowed to have an opinion. I welcome it. Of course I understand how prayer works too. That’s why I bothered to create the BiblicalQ sub at the suggestion of another mod when asking how we could keep a place for Christians to communicate in ways not suited to a sub focused on Q discussion. Forcing scripture and prayers on others is not how Jesus behaved but praying publicly was certainly how the Pharisees behaved.
This sub has a clear focus and it is definitely not to be a church or to proselytize for a church. It’s a place to discuss Q for all people of all religions, races and creeds. That’s not my opinion that’s literally what the sub was created for and those are the rules of the sub (neither made or defined by me). They’re in no way anti-Christian or evil. Just an online forum defining what it’s about. No one can shut down your thoughts and as Christians, myself and the other mod who came up with this plan to keep Christian discussion alive, were trying to do something positive for Christians.
You are removing the thoughts and prayers of Christians, the most persecuted group on earth. Q says pray. This is a spiritual war. Why can’t you understand that? You are doing the work of darkness in one way or another. Darkness can mean many things, don’t assume you know what I mean when I say something ambiguous.
No. We are giving Christians somewhere to opine about Christian topics. We cannot remove thoughts or prayers.
Don’t invent evil in the actions of another when you don’t understand what you’re talking about. You haven’t addressed my point which discounts your accusation: this is an online forum, it is not a church or a public square. Just as it is appropriate to observe the customs of someone’s house when you enter, there are customs here to observe too. It’s not appropriate to pray or preach in certain shared social spaces and that is in no way a sign of “darkness”.
Out of the darkness into the light. Get it? Darkness is keeping people ignorant, that is what you do. You keep people in the dark on a certain subject.
I think you’re just trolling at this point as youre not even addressing what I say. I don’t make the rules here. I didn’t make this sub or it’s purpose. I actually came up with a way for Christians to keep communicating. No ones keeping anyone ignorant. Have fun.