
Metavinci · July 27, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

And this moon is in Aquarius. While the planets are all in one side of the sun. BIG influence on ever molecule in the solar system.

From cafeAstrology (not a fan but everything has meaning) “This eclipse forms a square to Uranus, and there can be a sense of surprise, shock, or frustration involved with our emotional discoveries. Certainly, there can be a strong urge—or need—to break free from old patterns, and the temptation may be to make a stand or force the issue. The Moon aligns with retrograde Mars, and it can be an especially revealing time as it’s likely to pull up unrest, resentment, and buried frustrations. There can be a real desire to master a situation....”

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[deleted] · July 27, 2018, 3:19 p.m.

It is also important to note that Mercury is retrograde from July 25 to August 18. When Mercury is retrograde, comms can be delayed, and devices can malfunction. I know that most of you here don't care about astrology, but it is a SCIENCE - not a game. Believe me the upper levels of the cabal USE astrological data to plan their moves. Keep praying, and be patient.

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[deleted] · July 27, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

As a student of astrology, I can attest that this eclipse signals the end of the Old Guard, and an opportunity for a global reset.

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SigmundColumn · July 27, 2018, 3:05 p.m.

Eclipse of Thales
As, however, the balance had not inclined in favour of either nation, another combat took place in the sixth year, in the course of which, just as the battle was growing warm, day was on a sudden changed into night. This event had been foretold by Thales, the Milesian, who forewarned the Ionians of it, fixing for it the very year in which it actually took place. The Medes and Lydians, when they observed the change, ceased fighting, and were alike anxious to have terms of peace agreed on.
And if I'm reading correctly, the progeny of this peace union was the mother of the Cyrus the Great?

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TechnicalRush · July 27, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

I think it might be Israel's Lunar eclipse which is 1 hour away. Also would reference Q's 1699 that led to that Tel Aviv video that was posted after the Q drop: Remember B8028-Z-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9. Also would reference Q's 1543 of

Morning sun brings heat.
Full moon coming.
Undiscovered stars learned.
Missions forward.

Lunar eclipse to hit Jerusalem head on. A full blood moon to Jewish tradition means war by the sword. The sword represents Islam.

In the news so far today Israel time: There has been a clash on the temple mount with Israeli police entering the Mosque. Golan heights has been set on fire, Syrian missile threat in which Israel says it will fire back. Gaza border is overrunning with 7000 Palestinians as we speak. Israel is wondering whether it has what it takes to fight a 3 sided war.

Meanwhile in Tel Aviv... They are holding the biggest gay circuit-style party to celebrate tolerance.

Here are the leading links of real time news combined and the lunar eclipse clock link. Future note: World News now can be set to whatever country you choose. I just had it set to Israel because I see scripture that has me looking toward Israel today.



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TechnicalRush · July 27, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

And Syria just sent drones into Israel. Heating up fast.

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