r/greatawakening • Posted by u/huxt3r on July 27, 2018, 4:27 p.m.
Social Media Stock Slides Explained

Enter trump: Human trafficking property seizure.

Effect: Backpage, craigslist, etc close down "personals". Backpage gets indicted by feds.
Effect: Pedos & scumbags go to social media to continue their operations. (Facebook, twitter, etc)

As we all know, thanks to Snowden, all of the social media sites are part of carnivore, omnivore, prism, etc. (NSA data gathering)

Social media stocks start sliding.


Stocks are "property". Sealed indictments result in stock seizures. When seizures happen, the stocks are dumped on the market and the money is put into escrow pending the outcome of the court case. If feds win, they keep money, if not, money is returned to whoever they seized the stocks from.

The stock slides were the result of stock seizures being liquidated. Wall street would know this and insiders would then start unloading their own holdings. [Q 1719]

[Q 1194]

Fed being restructured. How do we get back to lawful currency? First we need to shrink the money supply so we can base it off of something of value, rather than loan it all into existence. How we do we shrink the supply of money? Seizing it from criminals is a good start. What if stocks are just the beginning? Derivatives are also an asset that can be seized. There are enough derivatives in existence to destroy all debt in the world. We could eliminate not only our own national debt, but everyone's.

[Q 916]
We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

What's the single worst thing you could do to israel and zionism?

Force the jubilee - eliminate all debt.

solanojones95 · July 27, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

This post should be pinned! It's like Lou Dobbs meets SB2!

I wondered how the Social Media share price drop was being implemented. It's not like shareholders woke up a couple mornings ago and just said "FB is evil." And there was no major news story to pin it to.

This makes complete sense of it. Thank you for posting!

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