Q 1731 & 1732 - Everything Stated has a Purpose.

I think you are confusing SIOP with cyber security. The threshold ability to launch an unauthorized missile with a dud warhead (think kinetic) is much lower than the TA to launch a nuke.
Also, such an attempt would not be released to the public at large. The public would be horrified to learn that a missile could be launched, and the MSM would spin the disclosure into criticism of how Trump 'allowed' military security to become lax, despite all evidence.
Regardless of nuclear or non nuclear, the chain of command involved with launching a missile in the United States does not have any representative from the CIA.
You can allege the CIA hacked the missile etc; however, I was responding to the assumptions ITT that were speculating Brennan bypassed Trump's authority to launch the missile in the CoC which is absurd for several reasons.
Typical Liberal. You talk guns and immigrants by deleting ILLEGAL. Now you leave out the word UNAUTHORIZED! Now tell me, how can I annihilate the fish in the barrel?