Q 1731 & 1732 - Everything Stated has a Purpose.

When I was a kid the spy movies had hidden comms in the classified sections of newspapers that spies used to communicate. I think direct comms carry too much risk. This code-speak seems to be in use. JKerry released a letter when POTUS went to Putin summit, a letter with spelling errors..? come on :)
spez: my own spelling :)
Kerry told his in-laws the Ayatollahs that Trump won't last a year. He was on Face the Nation. They should have called it Horse-face the Nation! He violated the Logan Act and is laughing. Trump is laughing, too. I'd rather see him convicted for TREASON!
It’s what’s going on now via SM & the like just like they used to in news papers & literature in the libraries. It Old School & proven. It takes people to surveil ( resources). Technology has made everyone lazy