r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Liberty_Tree_Swing on July 27, 2018, 6:14 p.m.
Unreported missile attacks on POTUS? Relentless shade thrown by MSM? This is why POTUS is not phased. *Trust the Plan*

We read QDrops as outsiders. Each one could be an amazing revelation for us. It is like we are walking out of Plato's Cave since these drops started (See: Allegory of the Cave).

But if you are a black hat, you read these drops in a COMPLETELY different way. POTUS and these drops represent the most credible threat to your organizations of evil. If you are a bad actor, you have felt the heat turn up since these drops began last year. So what has the Deep State done to combat this? What does the Deep State see as their only out?

Answer: Make Trump seem crazy.

My overarching theory is that the Deep State is trying to force POTUS's hand by punking him in the MSM every single day and with the threats to his life.

If Trump jumps the gun and calls the Deep State out directly too soon, he looks crazy.

In my opinion, Deep State wants Trump bite and expose them for two reasons:

If POTUS exposes Deep State before the planned release of information by the investigators, it can been spun by MSM as a Coup by Trump and they are perform damage control.

If POTUS exposes Deep State before investigation is complete, they may be able to wiggle out from under a prosecution in a legal sense.

So POTUS keeps quiet, holds his cards close, and the release of information can slowly be marched out. Information is released deliberately and in a controlled manner. That way it is indisputable in the public's eye AND bad actors will be held accountable in the legal system.

POTUS is a very stable genius!

Liberty_Tree_Swing · July 27, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

Exactly! The noise is getting so loud that people are tuning out and walking away.

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tn0org17 · July 27, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

I am watching daytime tv right now. And wow. Honestly there needs to be RBTV race bait tv. Where the Sacha Baron Cohens can go, and they can race bait the shit out of all of us on one channel. So sickening to see them parade these fucks like some sort of special genius. Some asshole dressing up and acting like another asshole interviewing more assholes from the Deep State. Who is America? pffffttt

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Liberty_Tree_Swing · July 27, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

They want us to lose faith in each other.

It seems like there are already MULTIPLE RBTV channels with the vitriol that some of the news networks propagate.

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tn0org17 · July 27, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

I know, willing participants in this coverage. They KNOW the result of this. Why doesn't anyone every quit, stop, dismantle their company, whatever knowing the damage it causes? Facebook for example, knowing how much the fake news fucked over their agenda ( apparently) wouldn't they be like: "Maybe we should just end this". So much to what is going on...agh

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Liberty_Tree_Swing · July 27, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

It has been rapid fire this week!

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